Dr. Justin Singleton
Digging for the truth ... to set you free

Thesis: Yahweh established a physical/concrete dominance against Ba’al in the Mt. Carmel epic, as evidenced by the utilization of certain Ba’alistic features in the battle, in order both to defeat Ba’al (historical purpose) and to vindicate the later judgment of His covenant people (literary purpose).

Abstract: The study of demographics is a rather young study and full of inadequacies. While typical population estimates run quite low for the Levant, these estimates are based on faulty assumptions, including the following: projecting modern living conditions onto the past, lack of understanding of nomadism, and the disallowing of textual evidences to correct the archaeological record.

Thesis: This thesis will attempt to ascertain the possibility of alternative linguistic interpretations of elef within the said “problem passages” that appear to contain evidence for large numbers of Hebrews in the Exodus and thereafter by presenting elef as it appears in the text, in context, and with the application of standard lexicographical principles.

Abstract: The common misconception that "they all wore robes back then anyway" can be put to rest. While Deuteronomy 22:5 places a ban upon transvestism within the covenant, transvestism in general was never evidenced in the broader ANE except in cultic practices. Specific passages within ancient literature mention "women's garments" as a distinct type of clothing.

Abstract: History of the Ancient Near East is a lecture-based, Sophmore-level college course taught at a regionally accredited college in Cincinnati, Ohio. The course covers the history of the ANE and Egypt from the earliest of times until the Iron II period.