Dr. Justin Singleton
Digging for the truth ... to set you free

Archaeological Fieldwork
Justin has served as a field director, camp administrator, assistant field director, and square supervisor, helped with pottery/artifact registration, helped with GPS readings, and more. Justin's archaeological interests lie in Bronze and Iron ages outside of the Levant and in demographics/population estimates and Phoenecian religious sites. During the first 2014 season at Mt Raitano, Justin rappelled 7 meters into three very large rock cut chambers discovering two previously unknown petroglyphs. Later, at San Miceli, Justin helped to discover and excavate mosaics and several graves. For his dissertation, Justin analyzed ceramics, including creating a typology and undertaking use-wear analyses.

San Miceli, Sicily
2015 Season (Six Weeks)
Asst Field Director/Camp Administrator: Assisted in directing Fields B and C at San Miceli, Sicily in the aea of the Basilica. Additionally, operated the day to day administration of the camp in Salemi.
Research: Began dissertation research on all artifacts from Cabin 12 of Mokarta, materials excavated in 2014. Pottery analysis included gathering of all details of the pottery in order to type each piece. A total of 63 whole or partial vessels was analyzed, but only around 40 were typed.

San Miceli, Sicily
2014 Season (Four Weeks)
Asst Field Director: Assisted in directing Field B at San Miceli, Sicily in the aea of the Basilica, including the guiding of the excavation of mosaics and of a grave. Additionally, assisted in the administration of the day-to-day activities of camp in Salemi.
Field Director: Directed Field A at Mt Raitano which included three rock cut chambers of unknown origin, and led an expedition into three separate rock cut chambers that were only accessible from above seven meters from the surface. Using rapelling equipment, descended into the chambers for preliminary measurements and ascended back out again.

Tall Jalul, Jordan
2009 Season (Six Weeks)
Square Supervisor: Tall Jalul is located 5 km east of the town of Madaba in the fertile highland plains that extend south and east from Amman and Hisban in the country of Jordan. It is believed to be largest archaeological mound in the central part of the country.
Asst Square Supervisor: Kourion is located at Episkopi Bay, southwest of Cyprus. While it has settlements from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age periods, the emphasis of the Tandy excavation project is on the later Classical and Byzantine Periods.
Volunteer: Scremby is an osteological excavation unearthing early Anglo-Saxon graves. Justin worked as a volunteer and staff member for the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery program—a program to help combat veterans reintegrate into the civilian world.
P-38 G Recovery III
2022 Season (Two Weeks)
Volunteer: A project with the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery in conjunction with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). During this excavation, Justin served as a volunteer helping to search for a crashed P-38, an American bomber shot down near Caltagirone, Sicily during WWII.