Dr. Justin Singleton
Digging for the truth ... to set you free


Andrews University
PhD in Near Eastern Archaeology (2024)
The primary purpose of advanced academic studies leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology is to provide teacher-scholars for colleges, seminaries and universities around the world. Specialization: Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology, including Anthropology of Ancient Peoples, Ethnography and Ethno-archaeology; ANE Languages; ANE History and Archaeology; Fieldwork, Method and Theory
Cincinnati Christian University
MAR in Biblical Cultural Settings (2012)
​Upon completion of this program, the student will learn to: Translate and exegete selected Greek or Hebrew Biblical texts; Describe and assess various perspectives on issues of
Biblical criticism and interpretation, both historical and contemporary; Describe and assess how the Biblical text both reflects and
transcends its cultural setting; Articulate the central thrust of each book of the Old or New
Testament; Demonstrate special expertise in selected sections of the Old or New Testament; Complete graduate level research and writing in the field of Biblical Studies; Explain the role that Biblical exegesis plays in personal Christian growth, the development of competent leadership within the church, and the church’s ability to address the issues of the modern world.
God's Bible School and College
BA in Ministerial Education (2007)

Upon completion of the course requirements in the Division of Ministerial Education, the student should give evidence of the following: Knowledge and love of the Holy Scriptures as the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God, normative and absolute in its authority for all faith and practice; An understanding of our Christian heritage and history: its great figures, climactic moments, and timeless lessons; A grasp of the basic doctrines of classical Christian theology, as well as our unique Wesleyan emphases and contributions to its enrichment and development; Being filled with the Holy Spirit and demonstrating it by an abounding love for others, a zeal for reaching the lost, discipling new converts, and leading them into a life of holiness; A proficiency in the preparation and effective delivery of biblically-sound, homiletically-balanced sermons; Leadership skills in basic pastoral functions such as the conduct of public worship, administration of the sacraments, performance of weddings and funerals, oversight of the church’s educational programs, and techniques of pastoral counseling.