Dr. Justin Singleton
Digging for the truth ... to set you free

Word Studies:
The word hokma is translated "wisdom" throughout the Old Testament, but the idea behind the word goes much deeper than what we think of wisdom. We should translate it "biblical wisdom," which allows for this deeper understanding. The word itself denotes a kind of skill meant to guide the receiver into what can be labeled as the theme of the book of Proverbs, learning to fear of LORD. | READ MORE
Certain limitations must be advanced in a linguistic study of elef, namely a separation of the second and third homonyms and limiting the scope of the study to the books of Moses, as these are primarily the books in question. | READ MORE
The word kuttonet occurs 29 times in the OT, and is translated tunic (20x),
garment (6x), coat (2x) and dress (1x) by the NASB. The AV translates it coat (23x), garment (5x), and robe (1x). The NLT and NIV both translates it robe or tunic most often. | READ MORE
Phrase Study:
lev/levav shalem: "perfect heart"
The phrase "wholehearted devotion," “heart fully committed,” “heart fully devoted,” etc., is used in the Old Testament to translate lev/levav shalem. This is used of three specific Hebrew kings positively and three Hebrew kings negatively (i.e., do not have a lev shalem). | READ MORE