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ARCH 209:
Literature of the Ancient Near East

An introduction to the literature of the ancient Near East from the advent of writing through the Iron Age, specifically concerning the regions of Mesopotamia and the Levant, but also Egypt as it pertains to the ancient Near East. Literature includes myths and epics, legal texts, treaties, historical texts, key inscriptions, hymns, wisdom literature, oracles and prophecies, poetry, and letters.

Course Lectures and Literature Readings

Week 1
     Lecture 1: What is Literature?     

     Lecture 2: Three Age System and La Longue Durée
     Lecture 3: Land, Waters, and Lifeways in Ancient Time
Week 2
     Lecture 4: Major Societies and How They Relate
     Lecture 5: Types of Literature and Where Found
     Lecture 6: Analyzing Ancient Literature
Week 3
     Lecture 7: Mesopotamian Literary Sources
     Literature Reading and Discussion:
          Eridu Genesis
          Enki and Ninhursag
          Enki and the Ordering of the World
          Enuma Elish: Old Kingdom Egypt
Week 4
     Literature Reading and Discussion:
          Enki, Ninmakh, and the Creation of Humankind
          Epic of Atra-khasis
          Autobiography of Sargon
          The Epic of Gilgamesh
Week 5
     Literature Reading and Discussion:
          Laws of Ur-Nammu or Shulgi
          Laws of Lipit-Ishtar
          Laws of Dadusha of Eshnunna
          Laws of Hammurabi
          Middle Assyrian Laws
          Neo-Babylonian Laws
          Mari Covenant Ritual
          Treaty between Abban and Yarimlim
          Treaty between Ashurnirari V and Mati’-ilu
          Sumerian King List 
          Old Babylonian Date Lists
          Weidner Chronicle 
          Sargon Chronicle
          Babylonian Chronicles
Week 6 
     Literature Reading and Discussion:
          Tiglath-pileser I 
          Shalmaneser III
          Tiglath-pileser III
          Sargon II
          Adoption of Shennima
          Old Babylonian Shepherding Contract
          Turpunna’s Bridal Price
          A Man and His God
          Ludlul Bel Nemeqi
          Babylonian Theodicy
          Hymn to Enlil
          Hymn to Shamash
          Prayer to Ishtar
          Psalm to Marduk
          Words of Ahiqar
          Mari Prophecy
          Neo-Assyrian Prophecies
          Marduk Prophecy
          Uruk Prophecy
          Shurpu Incantation
          Maul Incantation
          Temple Program for the New Year Festival at Babylon
          Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur
Week 7
Lecture 8: Egyptian Literary Sources

     Literature Reading and Discussion:
          Heliopolis Pyramid Text
          Memphis Creation Story
          Instruction of Merikare
          Tale of Si-Nuhe
          Report of Wen-Amon 
          Negative Confession of Sin
Week 8
Literature Reading and Discussion:

          Instruction of Ptahhotep
          Instruction of Merikare
          Instruction of Any
          Instruction of Amenemope
          Satire of the Trades

          Merneptah Stele

          Hymn to Amon-Ra
          Hymn to the Aten
          Egyptian Love Songs

          Admonitions of Ipuwer
          Prophecies of Neferti
Week 9
Lecture 9: Levantine Literary Sources

     Literature Reading and Discussion:

          Baal Cycle
          Tale of Aqhat
          Legend of King Kirta

          Treaty between Abban and Yarimlim
          Treaty between Mursilis and Duppi-Teshub

         Dagan Festival of Emar

         Balaam of Deir Alla
Week 10
     Literature Reading and Discussion:

         Mesha Stela
         Karatepe Inscription
         Stela of Zakkur
         Tell Dan Inscription

         Gezer Calendar
         Siloam Tunnel Inscription
         Samaria Ostraca
         Blessings from Kuntillet Ajrud

         Lachish Ostraca
         Arad Ostraca
         Yavneh Yam Inscription
Week 11
     Final Project
Week 12
     Final Project


Want to take the course?

If you are interested in taking this course, please contact God's Bible School and College to register.

(513) 721-7944

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