Dr. Justin Singleton
Digging for the truth ... to set you free

Academic Publications and Papers Read
Peer reviewed:
Doing the Dishes: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Late Bronze Age Ceramics Excavated from Hut 12 at Mokarta, Sicily. Ph.D. dissertation, Andrews University, 2024.
Social and Religious Reproduction in the Family: Social Reproductive Failures Exemplified through the Lineage of Ham and Shem. Answers Research Journal 17: 387–98, 2024.
Book Reviews:
Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan, Did God Really Command Genocide? Coming to Terms with the Justice of God in Stone-Campbell Journal 19:2
Athalya Brenner and Gale A. Yee, eds., Exodus and Deuteronomy in Stone-Campbell Journal 17: 131-32
Papers Presented:
"The Cultural Adaptation of a Semi-palatial System at Mokarta, Sicily," Paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research, San Antonio, TX, Nov 2016.
"Religious Motif: Dame Folly of Proverbs as Goddess or Mere Non-Yahwist?" Paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research, Midwest/Regional, Feb 2016.
"Broadening the Geographic Context of Biblical Archaeology to Sicily," Paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research, Atlanta, GA, Nov 2015.
"Hybridization vs. Syncretism: A Moral View of Cultural Translation in Israel During the Exilic Period and How that Relates to the Modern Church," Paper presented at the Seminary Scholarship Symposium, Andrews University, Feb 13, 2015.
"Rock-cut Chambers on Mt. Raitano, Sicily: Mt. Raitano Survey and Excavation, 2014," Paper presented at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Andrews University, Mar 13, 2015.
"The Passover and the Christian," Paper presented at the Biblical Studies Forum, Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Apr 19, 2011.
Archaeological Newsletter:
"San Miceli 2014," Institute of Archaeology, Horn Archaeological Museum Newsletter 35.4, Fall 2014.
Magazine Publications
"How To Win in Iraq," God's Revivalist and Bible Advocate, November 2008.
"Will we ever win?” I’ve been asked this frequently since returning
from a tour with the U.S. Army in Iraq. If by “winning,” the questioners are asking if that nation will ever be freed from tyrannical rule and become a democratic, self-governing entity, I must answer, “It depends.” For the question of Iraq’s future ultimately does not lie with political maneuvers or military victories. This will be settled, rather, by Christians and by their response to Jesus’ call to spread His gospel.
Over the past few years, I have heard countless remarks about the horrible and hopeless condition of the Arab people. Some evangelical Christians even talk about destroying the Palestinians in order to free their area for Israel. Do you really think that this is what Jesus had in ... read article.
"Using Tools to Understand the Bible," God's Revivalist and Bible Advocate, April 2009.
Understanding the Bible can be difficult sometimes, but in our tradition there is an old standard that we use to help us. Sometimes called the Wesleyan Quadrilateral, this standard employs four hermeneutical tools—Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience.
Scripture, of course, isn’t just one of four tools. It stands alone, and the other three help us understand it. Always we must place primary emphasis on the written Word of God and submit to its authority. Thus, we must make sure that all our doctrines are taken directly from the Bible, and we dare not add to or take from this sacred text. We have learned to speak when the Bible speaks, keep silent when the Bible is silent, and shout when the Bible shouts. We live our lives based on the Bible, for like John Wesley himself, we are committed to be people “of one book.” ... read article.
"Reading the Book of Genesis," God's Revivalist and Bible Advocate, November 2009.
Who is your God? This is a question that might make one stammer and change positions a few times before attempting an answer. After an initial period of discomfort, most evangelicals would probably give a rather definitive answer as to the nature of God. We know God to be the creator of all things, the divine and intelligent watchmaker. He is called by many names, yet He is specific in His revelation of Himself. Our God, the God of the Christian evangelical, revealed Himself through the Second Person of the Trinity, the man Jesus, as acclaimed throughout the later books of the Bible. As a matter of fact, we have a plethora of information about our God found in both the Old and New Testaments.
Now, place yourself in a different position and time. Think back to a period of history where you find yourself and your entire family as slaves in Egypt. You ... read article.
Non-Academic Talks and Lectures Given
"Combat Operational Stress in Our Company," United States Army, Al Asad, Iraq, Dec 7, 2006. | View PPT in PDF
Multiple speaking engagements ranging from small churches to academic bodies, and from small groups to large crowds of three hundred or more.
College Courses Taught
HIST 262: History of the Ancient Near East ................................................................3 Credits
BIST 351: Archaeology of the Old Testament .............................................................3 Credits
SS 481: Special Topics in Social Science: Religions of the Ancient Near East..........3 Credits
PH 431: Readings in Archaeology................................................................................ 1 Credit
EN 201: Public Speaking.................................................................................................3 Credits
EN 101: English Composition I: Analytical Writing......................................................3 Credits
EN 102: English Composition 2: Critical Writing..........................................................3 Credits
EN 090: Basic Grammar and Composition..................................................................3 Credits