
Jan 26, 20167 min read
Religious Motif: Dame Folly of Proverbs as Goddess or Mere Anti-Yahwist? Part 1
In the Book of Proverbs, two women battle for the place of supremacy in the life of the Israelite: Lady Wisdom and Dame Folly. Wisdom,...

May 3, 20153 min read
Interpreting the Bible
Understanding the Bible can be difficult sometimes, but in our tradition there is an old standard that we use to help us. Sometimes...

Apr 26, 20151 min read
Pottery of the Levant
If you haven't been following me on Facebook, then you might not know that I had to swing back to the United States for a while after my...

Apr 17, 20152 min read
The Research Begins
It has been a long time coming, but I was finally able to get to the pottery of Mokarta. As you can see here...the pottery is beautiful....

Mar 26, 20151 min read
Heading to Sicily!
As many of you already know, I'm about to leave the country for four months. In just a few days I'll be heading out to Sicily to excavate...

Oct 31, 20133 min read
Assimilation. Resistance is Futile.
All of us are in some way a product of assimilation. Throughout history, as in today's world, humans naturally adapt to their...

Jul 14, 20132 min read
Translation of the gods
I mentioned before the "translation" of the gods in the ancient world, but I never really explained what that was. The idea is that all...

Jul 11, 20132 min read
Daily Life
People don't often think of life in ancient times. How did they live? How did they manage? How do we manage? lol. Life, in general, was...

Jul 10, 20133 min read
Making the leap
Every once in a while it is fun to just let yourself go ... in this case, I am jumping off a cliff (that's the Mediterranean Sea in the...