
Nov 25, 202419 min read
Exploring the Ancient Near East and Egypt: A Journey through Lands, Waters, and Lifeways
Leaping from an understanding of Geographical Time aspects of topography and climate comes an appreciation of what those geographical elemen

Nov 18, 201916 min read
History of Archaeology
We could perhaps say that the history of archaeological research began when the first man picked up a broken piece of pottery or worked ston

Jul 31, 20194 min read
Time is not a string but a blanket...a really, really thick blanket
Time is not a string There is a common belief, perpetrated by monotone history teachers across the world, that time can be represented by...

Apr 9, 20165 min read
Can We Make Our Own Decisions?
Some of you may know that a few years ago I attempted a podcast where I interviewed professors from different universities on topics of...