
Dec 29, 20249 min read
Response to Critique by Michael Smith Concerning the Dating of the Exodus
Firstly, you are correct that it is a major problem for a 15th c. Exodus, at least in the popularly accepted explanation given by many schol

Dec 7, 202426 min read
Major Ancient Near Eastern Societies and How They Relate
The Near East stands at the intersection of three separate continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe (Levack et al. 2019: 17). As such, the regio

Aug 11, 20248 min read
Interconnections of Faith: Tracing the Origins of Baal in the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains: belief t

Jul 21, 202411 min read
Individual Time: Biblical Abraham in the Historical Landscape of Ancient Civilizations
The biblical story of Abraham is well known worldwide, Abraham being the progenitor of the three, modern Hebraic Religions: Judaism, Christi

Jun 16, 202411 min read
The Southern Levant in Transition: Sociopolitical Dynamics of the Middle to Late Bronze Ages
The Southern Levant in the Middle to Late Bronze Ages

Jun 9, 20249 min read
The Northern Levant: A Window into the Middle to Late Bronze Ages
[This is a lecture written for the course 'HIST 262: History of the Ancient Near East,' taught Fall 2023 at God's Bible School and...

Nov 30, 20194 min read
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Sicily
Sicilian Early Bronze to Iron Ages: Sicilian history is far from uniform. For example, what happens along the eastern shore during the...

Nov 20, 20195 min read
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Levant
Early Bronze Age The Bronze Age extends from 3300BC to 1200BC – the time of the great migration. As any good archaeological age, the...

Mar 3, 20153 min read
Biblical Chronology
The arrangement of both dates and events within the biblical narrative. The sequencing of the biblical data may be determined by...

Nov 1, 20143 min read
ISIS and "The Ban" (ḥerem)
I apologize for the gruesome nature of this post, but I think this image of children standing around the decapitated body of a Syrian...