
Nov 6, 20248 min read
Unveiling the Ahabite Parenthesis: When Pure Baʿalism Overtook Mixed Yahwism
The ministry of the prophet is that of checking and balancing the power of the king,, but the king did not always listen to the prophet. As

Sep 15, 20247 min read
The Polemical Nature of the Biblical Creation Narrative
The crutch of understanding any piece of literature is first comprehending what the author intended the original audience to understand. In

Aug 11, 20248 min read
Interconnections of Faith: Tracing the Origins of Baal in the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains: belief t

Nov 25, 20199 min read
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains:...