
Dec 7, 202426 min read
Major Ancient Near Eastern Societies and How They Relate
The Near East stands at the intersection of three separate continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe (Levack et al. 2019: 17). As such, the regio

Aug 11, 20248 min read
Interconnections of Faith: Tracing the Origins of Baal in the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains: belief t

Jun 23, 20247 min read
From Middle to Neo-Assyrians: Mesopotamia's Turning Point
From Middle to Neo-Assyrians: Mesopotamia's Turning Point

Nov 25, 20199 min read
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains:...

Nov 18, 201922 min read
History of Archaeological Theory
Anthropological and Archaeological Thought It is important to note that although many theories and approaches have founders or authors,...

Nov 18, 201916 min read
History of Archaeology
We could perhaps say that the history of archaeological research began when the first man picked up a broken piece of pottery or worked ston

Jul 31, 20194 min read
Time is not a string but a blanket...a really, really thick blanket
Time is not a string There is a common belief, perpetrated by monotone history teachers across the world, that time can be represented by...

Jan 26, 20167 min read
Religious Motif: Dame Folly of Proverbs as Goddess or Mere Anti-Yahwist? Part 1
In the Book of Proverbs, two women battle for the place of supremacy in the life of the Israelite: Lady Wisdom and Dame Folly. Wisdom,...

May 3, 20153 min read
Interpreting the Bible
Understanding the Bible can be difficult sometimes, but in our tradition there is an old standard that we use to help us. Sometimes...

Apr 26, 20151 min read
Pottery of the Levant
If you haven't been following me on Facebook, then you might not know that I had to swing back to the United States for a while after my...