
Jul 21, 202411 min read
Individual Time: Biblical Abraham in the Historical Landscape of Ancient Civilizations
The biblical story of Abraham is well known worldwide, Abraham being the progenitor of the three, modern Hebraic Religions: Judaism, Christi

Nov 25, 20199 min read
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains:...

Feb 9, 20154 min read
Religions of the Biblical World
Beliefs, practices, and attitudes in worship throughout the ancient Near East. An understanding of any religion begins by first studying...

Nov 1, 20143 min read
ISIS and "The Ban" (ḥerem)
I apologize for the gruesome nature of this post, but I think this image of children standing around the decapitated body of a Syrian...

Apr 7, 20147 min read
El Elyon ... the One True God or just another Canaanite myth?
The general idea behind Hebraic thought is simply that there is a creator God who exists outside of all creation, who, in fact, created...