
Nov 25, 202419 min read
Exploring the Ancient Near East and Egypt: A Journey through Lands, Waters, and Lifeways
Leaping from an understanding of Geographical Time aspects of topography and climate comes an appreciation of what those geographical elemen

Nov 17, 202418 min read
The Importance of Literature: Exploring its Definition and Impact on Society
While it may not be particularly obvious at first, there is a huge debate over what literature actually is. A first thought may be that anyt

Nov 11, 20245 min read
Syllabus Literature of the Ancient Near East
This spring (2025), I have the joy of teaching a class on the ancient literature of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Levant. This will be a fun c

Nov 6, 20248 min read
Unveiling the Ahabite Parenthesis: When Pure Baʿalism Overtook Mixed Yahwism
The ministry of the prophet is that of checking and balancing the power of the king,, but the king did not always listen to the prophet. As