
Dec 29, 20249 min read
Response to Critique by Michael Smith Concerning the Dating of the Exodus
Firstly, you are correct that it is a major problem for a 15th c. Exodus, at least in the popularly accepted explanation given by many schol

Dec 7, 202426 min read
Major Ancient Near Eastern Societies and How They Relate
The Near East stands at the intersection of three separate continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe (Levack et al. 2019: 17). As such, the regio

Nov 25, 202419 min read
Exploring the Ancient Near East and Egypt: A Journey through Lands, Waters, and Lifeways
Leaping from an understanding of Geographical Time aspects of topography and climate comes an appreciation of what those geographical elemen

Nov 6, 20248 min read
Unveiling the Ahabite Parenthesis: When Pure Baʿalism Overtook Mixed Yahwism
The ministry of the prophet is that of checking and balancing the power of the king,, but the king did not always listen to the prophet. As

Oct 20, 20249 min read
The Riddle of Tarshish: Uncovering the Location of the Ancient Trade Hub
Most in the western world are familiar with the pejorative term Jezebel, a name no woman wants to be called. With it comes the connotation o

Oct 6, 20248 min read
A Drunken Sailor and the Curse of Canaan
There are many questions concerning the incident in Genesis 9 when Noah, after growing grapes, making wine, and becoming intoxicated lies na

Sep 15, 20247 min read
The Polemical Nature of the Biblical Creation Narrative
The crutch of understanding any piece of literature is first comprehending what the author intended the original audience to understand. In

Sep 8, 20249 min read
The Impact of a Weakened Egypt on the Exodus: Exploring Historical and Biblical Perspectives
The story of the Exodus has been both a point of interest and contention within Biblical scholarship for quite some time. Two main views abo

Aug 4, 202413 min read
Exploring the Tale of Ludlel Bel-Nemeqi: Ancient Mesopotamia's Job Story
To some, it is a startling fact to discover that the biblical text more often than not has some correlation to texts found within the broade

Jul 28, 202412 min read
Comparing Hammurabi's Law Codes to the Laws of Moses: A Deep Dive into Ancient Legal Systems
Perhaps the greatest known lawgiver, outside of Moses, is the king Hammurabi. After the death of the politically strong leader of Larsa, Rim