
Jun 16, 202411 min read
The Southern Levant in Transition: Sociopolitical Dynamics of the Middle to Late Bronze Ages
The Southern Levant in the Middle to Late Bronze Ages

Nov 25, 20199 min read
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Readers are told that the study of the history of religions should aim "to reconstruct religion on the basis of its extant remains:...

Nov 18, 201922 min read
History of Archaeological Theory
Anthropological and Archaeological Thought It is important to note that although many theories and approaches have founders or authors,...

Nov 18, 201916 min read
History of Archaeology
We could perhaps say that the history of archaeological research began when the first man picked up a broken piece of pottery or worked ston

Mar 17, 20154 min read
Translatability of the Gods
Have you ever noticed the strong similarity between many of the gods in the Ancient Near East? There's a reason for that. This is what...

Mar 15, 20155 min read
Sidon: Ancient Phoenician City
Located in Lebanon, or the Phoenician coast, north of Tyre and south of Beroth/Beirut. The city was prominent in both Old and New...

Mar 3, 20153 min read
Biblical Chronology
The arrangement of both dates and events within the biblical narrative. The sequencing of the biblical data may be determined by...

Feb 9, 20154 min read
Religions of the Biblical World
Beliefs, practices, and attitudes in worship throughout the ancient Near East. An understanding of any religion begins by first studying...

Nov 1, 20143 min read
ISIS and "The Ban" (ḥerem)
I apologize for the gruesome nature of this post, but I think this image of children standing around the decapitated body of a Syrian...

Jul 20, 20144 min read
Benefits of a Military Past in an Archaeological Career?
For almost eight years, my life belonged to Uncle Sam. I was an infantryman—an indirect fire infantryman to be exact. The thrill of my...