
Oct 20, 20249 min read
The Riddle of Tarshish: Uncovering the Location of the Ancient Trade Hub
Most in the western world are familiar with the pejorative term Jezebel, a name no woman wants to be called. With it comes the connotation o

Jul 14, 202410 min read
Why Were the Phoenicians So Influential?
Of all of the historical periods in the ancient Near East, the Iron Age in the Levant is perhaps the most well studied, and although that ty

Mar 15, 20155 min read
Sidon: Ancient Phoenician City
Located in Lebanon, or the Phoenician coast, north of Tyre and south of Beroth/Beirut. The city was prominent in both Old and New...

Nov 1, 20143 min read
ISIS and "The Ban" (ḥerem)
I apologize for the gruesome nature of this post, but I think this image of children standing around the decapitated body of a Syrian...

Jul 14, 20132 min read
Translation of the gods
I mentioned before the "translation" of the gods in the ancient world, but I never really explained what that was. The idea is that all...