Digging for the truth ... to set you free
The Riddle of Tarshish: Uncovering the Location of the Ancient Trade Hub
Unveiling the Truth About The Nephilim: Are They Monsters or Heroes?
The Southern Levant in Transition: Sociopolitical Dynamics of the Middle to Late Bronze Ages
Current Theoretical Approaches to Archaeology: Diss. Introduction Part 2
2020 Election: Biblical Prophecy or Not?
Persia and Judea: Geography and International Relations
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Sicily
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Levant
History of Archaeological Theory
History of Archaeology
Critique of Dr. Singleton's Lecture Concerning the Dating of the Exodus
Major Ancient Near Eastern Societies and How They Relate
Exploring the Ancient Near East and Egypt: A Journey through Lands, Waters, and Lifeways
The Importance of Literature: Exploring its Definition and Impact on Society
Syllabus Literature of the Ancient Near East
Unveiling the Ahabite Parenthesis: When Pure Baʿalism Overtook Mixed Yahwism
Understanding the Differences: American Christianity vs. Biblical Christianity
A Drunken Sailor and the Curse of Canaan
Understanding Wisdom: Pure Yahwism vs. Anti-Yahwism