What books should I read?

I've been recently studying for my comprehensive exams...well, I should be studying. As I study for the four eight-hour tests that I'm about to face, I keep thinking of other topics that I would much rather be studying. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know...I should enjoy the topics for my exams, and I do, but they aren't the end of the story. I do have a life outside of exams that I want to live...a future I want to live.
As I think about those topics (Old Testament, Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Mesopotamian history, etc.), I have thought of a few books that will help in aiding others in studying. The books I have selected are actually pretty much devoid of Mesopotamia, but it is still a love of mine. Perhaps we should say that these books are pretty much Old Tetament (biblically) focused.
So which ones?
Well, I've chosen a few that are great reads. Of course, you have to be aware that not all are Evangelical, but I hope that you will read these will an open mind and with your evangelical principles in mind. (I'm not saying to be biased, but let's face it...everyone is biased).
Feel free to peruse these books and let me know what you think.