Digging for the truth ... to set you free
The Israelites Worshipped Other Gods??? Really?
How Old Are You?
Hey now ... those are men's clothes!
Translation of the gods
Daily Life
Unveiling the Truth About The Nephilim: Are They Monsters or Heroes?
The Southern Levant in Transition: Sociopolitical Dynamics of the Middle to Late Bronze Ages
Current Theoretical Approaches to Archaeology: Diss. Introduction Part 2
2020 Election: Biblical Prophecy or Not?
Persia and Judea: Geography and International Relations
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Sicily
Religious Connections Between the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Survey of Archaeological Periods—Bronze and Iron Age Levant
History of Archaeological Theory
History of Archaeology
A Drunken Sailor and the Curse of Canaan
Understanding Wisdom: Pure Yahwism vs. Anti-Yahwism
The Polemical Nature of the Biblical Creation Narrative
The Impact of a Weakened Egypt on the Exodus: Exploring Historical and Biblical Perspectives
The Influence of Syro-Levantines on Egyptian Society: A Connection to Joseph's Story
Interconnections of Faith: Tracing the Origins of Baal in the Ancient East and West Fertile Crescent
Exploring the Tale of Ludlel Bel-Nemeqi: Ancient Mesopotamia's Job Story
Comparing Hammurabi's Law Codes to the Laws of Moses: A Deep Dive into Ancient Legal Systems
Individual Time: Biblical Abraham in the Historical Landscape of Ancient Civilizations